PsPortals’ principals have held management positions both with public safety technology corporations and law enforcement client organizations supporting NCIC, Nlets, and Triple I applications for more than 30 years. PsPortals products are fully NCIC and Nlets compliant, integrating the formatting, features, business rules, code tables, and manuals needed to effectively manage the user-interface to NCIC and Nlets.
The PsPortals management team is keenly aware of the challenges involved in managing large scale CJIS System Agency (CSA) systems and user environments. Our software applications are specifically designed to help our customers meet those challenges. In addition, PsPortals representatives continue active involvement with national leadership and policy-making organizations to help define and create technology solutions for the justice community.
For CJIS System Officers (CSO), Terminal Agency Coordinators (TAC), and all those responsible for complying with strict NCIC Operator Certification requirements, PsPortals has the perfect solution in the form of a user-friendly, integrated, and browser based testing and management application.
The Portal XL is a web server based application with a “true” zero-footprint client. Requiring only a web browser, there are no files maintained on the client’s PC.
Compatible with Android, iOS and Windows, it’s the ideal solution for agencies that want to provide secure instant access to Nlets, NCIC.
PsPortals has the perfect solution in the form of a user-friendly, integrated, and browser based testing and management application.
The ultimate control tool for configuring Portal XL, Personal Portal, and Testing & Certification.
Our customer support team provides 24/7 technical assistance to any inquiries, questions, or concerns about our software products. We provide answers, solutions, assist in troubleshooting, and strive to deliver an overall positive experience with our software.